Strip Teas Teatox is the original three step deep cleansing program designed to “strip” the body of toxins and support digestive health. Coupled with a healthy diet and exercise, our expertly blended teas help to gently stimulate energy, balance digestion, manage cravings, and provide antioxidant support. Reward your body with a Strip TeasTM.
Step 1: Loose Leaf AM
Serving suggestions: Infuse 1 teaspoon of loose leaves per cup of boiling water for 3 minutes. Dosage: Drink a minimum of 1 cup every AM with breakfast. May re-infuse as desired.
Step 2: Loose Leaf Afternoon
Serving suggestions: Infuse 1 teaspoon of loose leaves in a cup of boiling water for 5 minutes. Dosage: Drink a minimum of 1 cup after lunch each day. Re-infuse as desired throughout the day.
Step 3: Bedtime Cleanse*
Serving suggestions: Infuse 1 teaspoon of loose leaves in a cup of boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Dosage: 1 cup every other night.
*Bedtime Cleanse does not contain caffeine and will most likely induce a laxative effect to naturally cleanse and detoxify your system by removing built up toxins in the stomach and digestive tract. Side effects of this tea include the laxative effect. This can include, but not limited to, cramping, stomach discomfort, and increase frequency, but should NOT include diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, or severe cramping. If any of these side effects occur (depending on intensity) adjust the strength of the Night Time Cleanse tea (by steeping for less time) or STOP the use of this tea altogether. Consider consulting your doctor as these are not usual reactions.
~ Loos Leaf AM and Loose Leaf Afternoon both contain caffeine and other natural stimulants to provide extra energy, burn fat & calories, suppress appetite, etc. We encourage you to re-infuse the leaves to enjoy multiple cups throughout the day.
~ Feel free to add lemon, honey, or other natural sweetener to any of the teas to enhance the taste.
~ Be careful the first time you use the Bedtime Cleanse. Try steeping for less time (1minute). If the laxative effect is too much for you personally, skip this tea (however, we advise its use to achieve best results).
~ Hydration is the best beauty treatment! Remember to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day while teatoxing.